Technical Support
We pride ourselves on providing the best tech support that we can possibly provide. You shouldn't have to wait for hours to connect with a technician who can assist you. We offer a wide range of product support options:
Self-help Online Options
24-hour technical support is available for WinBatch®, WinBatch+Compiler® and WebBatch®, in our searchable Tech Support Database and on our Tech Support Forum.
Our Tech Support Database, is a comprehensive collection of Tech Support articles and sample code. You can easily navigate through the site by selecting from the list of topics which may interest you, or simply use the handy Search Engine.
Our Documentation Website, contains the same comprehensive documentation found in the Consolidated WIL Help file in on-line form.
The Tech Support Forum, is a collective resource of WinBatch professionals; asking technical questions, sharing code and knowledge. It is powered by Simple Machines® Forum (SMF) software! SMF is elegant, effective and powerful. It allows users to communicate in discussion topics in a clever and organized manner. Furthermore, it has a number of powerful features:
- WinBatch code can be *easily* colorized using the Code|WinBatch option.
- Powerful search tool for finding information in posts and topics.
- Users can send personal messages.
- Forum is an RSS feed.
- Polls can be added or removed to existing topics.
- Images can be easily embedded into posts.
- Email notification for new or specific topics.
WinBatch+Compiler and WebBatch include one year of free updates.